Claudia Leske is pleased:«KARSTADT AG offered me a position as Director of the Alsterhaus department store in Hamburg, which included taking care of its renovation and complete re-design as project manager. I was immediately drawn to this challenging task. The famous department store on Hamburg's Jungfernstieg has a long tradition, but remodelling its slightly shopworn 70s feel to a more contemporary one was both a complex and risky task. The only way I could set the course for success was by ensuring I had the required authority and the best internal consultants around me. And what we achieved was an overwhelming success, which made many people happy, including myself.
Frank Petermann was recommended to me by a board member I am friends with as an external authority to supervise the overall process. It did not take us long to agree on the principal strategies in a "backstage" meeting, and I still clearly remember his instructive advice on brand synergies. What can you change and which are the "sacred cows" - key identity features of the Alsterhaus - that mustn't be touched? There are so many opinions on what makes up these key features! My gut feelings had all been right. We started off by swiftly clarifying all branding matters. But as time went by, my one-to-one talks with Frank Petermann became an essential; his quick apprehension and deep understanding of staff situation and his broad and profound knowledge were a constant inspiration for me.
Frank Petermann's perception of individuals, the "whole" that they make up and how they harmonise, is incorruptable. He swiftly recognises potentially dangerous dynamics of change and has to-the-point communication strategies in hand for their resolution, seemingly off the cuff. Even so for extremely sensitive situations with indispensable members. That was a huge boon for me, which gave me strength over the long term. Frank Petermann turned out to be a highly competent partner in dialogue for me, never intrusive, but who made a huge impact.
I enjoy thinking back to this turbulent time and memories come back as I write. Frank Petermann's consistent calm and his unique way of bringing an issue to the point, of clearly laying out even complex situations in just a couple of sentences, had the additional effect of making me enjoy my personal success even more. Knowing he was there in the background and I could talk to him made my actions with far-reaching consequences feel all the more rewarding – thank you, once again, for all that.»
Claudia Leske, Managing Director
Alsterhaus Hamburg,
A KARSTADT Premium GmbH business

Jürgen Meyer looks back:
«Frank Petermann is not the first team-coach I have met. I experienced several 'teambuilding workshops' with my previous employer - as a mixed blessing. The 'insights' the team 'gained' from the workshops had obviously been dictated to the trainer in advance. To put it kindly - the time I spent in those workshops was pointless.
With this in mind, my expectations for the weekend seminar with Frank Petermann were not very high. But I was positively surprised.
It did not take Mr. Petermann long to win the group's trust. He had the sensitivity to identify and address taboo issues quickly and accurately, and motivated the participants successfully to address them proactively. Improvement instead of 'inner emigration' - garnished with the findings of organizational psychology. Time flew by. It was an instructive weekend, in a pleasant atmosphere, during which Frank Petermann unobtrusively, but all the more efficiently, drew the attention to crucial issues.
There had been no predetermined 'goal' for the workshop, but still we reached an achievement: we had identified a great deal of 'room for improvement'.
So back to where we started: Frank Petermann is not the first team coach I have met - but the first good team coach.»
Dr. Jürgen Meyer, Head of German Equities
SEB Asset Management, Frankfurt am Main
Sven Petersen sums up:
«Frank Petermann was our advisor for several years , at various levels, while we underwent a complex restructuring process in our youth welfare organisation with 65 employees. I benefited enormously from this. I was not very experienced in leadership, but I was faced with a large bundle of tasks.
Frank Petermann's contribution was crucial to me, not just in understanding the business of management but actually acquiring the skill; very close to the daily business, like a supervision. His extraordinarily concise view, based on depth psychology, on organizational structures on the one hand and individual persons on the other, provided me with an understanding of the dynamics of institutional relations - based on which I could develop and maintain a successful leadership style.
Apart from this kind of leadership coaching on a day-to-day basis, organizational development was the focus of our cooperation Here, I would like to emphasize Frank Petermann's ability to react quickly and flexibly to the dynamics inside the company, and to basically bundle the processes 'ad hoc' and then deal with them in workshops at different levels of hierarchy. Both his approach, focused on processes, and his personality enabled the development and establishment of ideally suited structure. An approach that differs pleasantly from the usual processes of organizational development that we encountered previously - to no avail.
When we began our work with Frank Petermann, we were faced with a traditional organisation with rigid structures, where cooperation was difficult. As a result, we now have a flexible and market-oriented welfare institution with efficient organizational structures and leadership instruments in place.»
Sven Petersen, Senior Manager
SOS Children's Village Harksheide

Claudius Rohé points out:
«I first turned to Frank Petermann in the course of my own professional development. Feedback sessions and organizational analysis quickly led us to the core of the matter. The talks with Mr. Petermann made me see interrelations much clearer that previously I had only sensed - concerning my staff, the organizational structure and its weak points, my superiors and my own role. Which was exciting and challenging!
Frank Petermann's language is palpable and full of imagery. 'Panorama' and 'rough sketch' are terms I remember. I learnt a great deal during this time, which largely benefited both myself and my department. I was in charge of 9 employees in the UK and 25 in Germany, and after my own experience had been so positive, I was able to arrange 'private talks' with Mr. Petermann (coaching hadn't been introduced to our company yet). Sessions were always short, enlightening and targeted, especially when it came to stay-or-go decisions.
It only took a few changes for the atmosphere and efficiency of my department to improve. I have had other experience with coaches, and my employees have undergone trainings before. We can draw a comparison. Frank Petermann is exceptionally gifted when it comes to his intuition for personnel issues, his knowledge is profound and he is not one of those that always seem to be reusing their standard 'method kit'. I was never bothered with the kind of 'standard phrases' that haunt you later on.
His steady observation is unobtrusive. He is meticulous and will not allow hasty solutions. The joy in work he radiates is contagious and my impression is that he gets huge enjoyment out of other people's success.»
Claudius Rohé, Regional Key Account Manager
Royal Mail International

Rainer Hirsch pays a compliment:
«I often have to deal with delicate situations in my role as a trainer or as part of my job on the works council. From all the experts I occasionally discuss complex situations with, Frank Petermann is the one I have particularly good memories of.
In just two intense sessions with him I learned more about group processes than in many seminars before. I find the combination of his sharp mind and his no-fuss friendliness inspiring until today. Ever since, workgroups are a field I can act confidently in and without 'accidents'.»
Rainer Hirsch
Broadcaster and -Radio Editor, Hamburg